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Hey guys! Coming to you on a Thursday with my “lake house blue and white living room decor”, because the Tuesday after Memorial Day weekend is possibly the Monday-iest non-Monday there is and I accomplished nothing. Which also reminds me, I wanted to let you know I probably won’t be posting on my regular Wednesday/Friday schedule this summer with my kiddos home. My priority is hanging out with them while they still think I’m kind of cool (or at least tolerable…). Also, living here on the lake, you can imagine we pretty much spend all our time out in the boat or swimming, which requires my full attention and isn’t conducive to working on my laptop. I’m hoping to get out at least 1 post a week, but hang in with me if the days are off. Did you know you can get my posts delivered right to your email? That’s the easiest way to make sure you don’t miss a post! You can use the “subscribe” box at the top of my site.

Lake House White Living Room Decor
While we still have a week and half of school left, my house is totally in summer mode, and I’ve made a few changes here in the living room. The biggest change is our new coffee table, which I’m loving! I know a lot of you were fans of the the old grey table, but the shape and scale didn’t work for the scope of this room. Our living room is 22×22 and the too small, too tall coffee table wasn’t cutting it.
Lake House White Living Room Decor
The larger size of the table is perfect for everyone around the couch to be able to kick their feet up on. I love the cleaner lines and it’s completely solid and heavy (just ask the two delivery guys who wrestled it through the front door) vs. the rickety old one. It may be a little too sturdy, because my kids have taken to using it as their stage during dance parties, sigh.
Lake House White Living Room Decor
It really anchors the couch to the chairs and pulls the seating area together better. The rustic wood grain of the table keeps it from feeling too modern for our space.
Lake House White Living Room Decor
I’m still working on the styling of it, I just shopped my house and threw a few things on there for the time being.
Lake House White Living Room Decor
Although, I did pick up this huge planter and filled it with succulents from our local greenhouse specifically for here. I love the pop of color and the texture on the planter and it’s still low enough that we can see the tv over it.
Lake House White Living Room Decor
Lake House White Living Room Decor
I picked up a new stag horn fern for my sofa table too.
Lake House White Living Room Decor
I love that the table has storage underneath. It’s a great place to hide the stash of magazines that I keep meaning to find the time to read and it’s also perfect to hide my laptop. Eventually, I hope to pick up some baskets of some sort to store puzzles or games for the winter.
Lake House White Living Room Decor
This is our Sunday spot in the Fall/Winter where we listen to audible books with the kids and do puzzles after church, so I’m excited to have a bigger surface to work on.
Lake House Blue and White Living Room Decor
A few new pillows also jumped in my cart at Home Goods that I added to the mix. They all have a fun textured feel. I don’t like to add too much extra color to this room in the summer, because I really want it to be about the view.  I love adding more texture, because it adds interest to the room without competing with the outside. Although it was pretty gloomy when I shot this so it’s typically a little more vibrant looking.
Lake House Blue and White Living Room Decor
Can you believe we have been in this house for a year now? It seems crazy, it totally flew by! We have made a few changes since then (including this table) and it definitely feels 100% like home. If I can give you one tip about moving into a new place – take your time finding the right furniture and home decor. Don’t just buy the first thing you see to fill the space, really take the time to hunt for each piece you love.
White paneled walls lake house living room decor
It’s been so fun to bring it all together and this room feels really complete now.

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